Bee Control Adelaide

Effective Bee Removal Experts

Bee Control Adelaide

Bees are important for flowers and food, but sometimes they make nests in places people don’t want. If they built their home in your yard, you might need professional bee removal service.

Our bee control company can carefully take these stinging insects from your property and find them a new safe place to live. We have over 10 years of experience doing bee removal. We work with local beekeepers who give them a good new environment.

Moving bees to a new place is better than killing them if we can. They are good for nature and food. We use special bags and tools to move bee hives safely. But sometimes if the hive is inside a wall or chimney, removing it is too hard or expensive. Then we have to spray the nest.

Our expert team come look at your bee problem for free. We can tell you if we can move them or have to spray them. We know lot about bees. Our service has saved thousands of hives and found them new home.

Call us if you see bees where you don’t want them.

Phone: 08 6800 0044

What are Bees?

Bees are winged insects that are related to wasps and ants. They have three body parts: a head, middle section, and rear end. They have two antennae and six legs attached to the middle section.

Furthermore, they are known for cross-pollinating flowers and making honey. Over 20,000 species, like honeybees and bumble bees, are part of the bee colony.

Fun Fact: Bees have 5 eyes.

The Danger Of Bees | Health Risks

According to an article written by the Guardian, bees and wasps send more Australians to the hospital than snake bites. Their stings can cause allergic reactions, pain, and swelling.

A bee sting has venom that impacts skin cells and the body’s defenses. For people allergic to the venom, it can trigger a dangerous reaction.

Even though snakes seem scary, bee and wasp stings actually hurt more Aussies each year. The venoms make the body react in ways that need emergency care. So they pose a big public health threat, comparable to snakes. Their stings can even cause death in some cases.

Signs Of Bee Infestation

  • Audible buzzing sound
  • Dark patches on your walls or ceilings
  • Visible bee activity and entry points
  • Finding pollen and honey
  • Seeing sawdust piles around your home

How To Keep Bees Away From Your House

You can make your yard less friendly to bees:

  • Don’t wear sweet-smelling perfume or lotion. It smells like flowers to them.
  • Put out things with strong smells they dislike, like menthol, eucalyptus, or citronella.
  • Eat and drink inside or use covers outside. Open food and cups will attract them.
  • Wear neutral colors, not bright ones. Bright colors signal nectar to them.
  • Cover your head so they won’t get in your hair.
  • Remove flowers, especially bee-loved ones like lilacs. Choose plants they don’t like.
  • Check your property often for signs of nests forming.

Act fast if you spot bees settling in. Call Eco Pest Control Adelaide immediately on 08 6800 0044.

How To Keep Bees Away From Your House

Our Bee Control Services

  • Bee inspections
  • Bee extermination if removal isn’t possible
  • Safe bee removal and relocation
  • Bee hive and bee swarm removal
  • Preventative bee treatment and deterrents
  • Emergency response services

Why Choose Us

  • 10+ years removing and relocating bees
  • Beekeeper partnerships to home rescued swarms
  • Highly trained, licensed, insured technicians
  • We relocate bees whenever possible
  • Free estimates
  • 100% Customer satisfaction

Our Locations

  • Adelaide
  • Port Adelaide
  • Glenelg
  • Salisbury
  • Elizabeth

Contact Us

See an issue with bees on your Adelaide property? Get help from expert pest controllers. Call us at 08 6800 0044 or request your free quote online today. Our dedicated team is ready to assess your problem and discuss solutions for keeping your home or business bee-free this season.

Don’t live with a bee infestation – call our pest control company now!