Ant Control Adelaide

Professional Ant Pest Control Treatments

Ant Control Adelaide

Looking for effective ant control in Adelaide South Australia? Having ants in your home or business can be frustrating. Ant can get into food, chew through wires, and be hard to get rid of. If you see trails of ants or little dirt mounds outside, it’s time to take action. Trying to follow their paths and block how they get in can work. But if that doesn’t fix it, you need an expert team.

Our pest control company has been helping people in Adelaide with ant problems for over 10 years. We know all the best ways to find ant nests and remove them. Our ant treatments use safe products that won’t hurt pets. And we offer fast service, available any time of day.

When we come to your property, we’ll check to see where they are coming from. Then we use special dusts, sprays, or baits to stop them. It’s important to have a follow up visit too. That helps make sure they don’t come back later on.

Call us if you need emergency ant control service. We can come out fast, usually within 24 hours.

Phone: 08 6800 0044

What are ants?

Ants are social insects. They work together to gather food, raise the young, and protect the nest. Inside their nests, they keep eggs, larvae, pupae, and some that belong to different castes. Scientists have described 1,275 ant species living in Australia so far. Further research could uncover double that number.

Ants have unique capabilities, including legendary communication skills that enable their colonies to operate as superorganisms.

Fun Fact: The ant population on Earth tallies an astonishing 20 quadrillion, meaning for every single human, there exist 2.5 million ants.

Signs of an Ant Infestation

  • Ants walk around inside or outside your home.
  • Ant trails march in lines.
  • Mounds built outside your home.
  • Ants crawl on or near any food left out.
  • Insect wings litter the floors, window ledges, kitchen, cupboard or outdoor entrances.
  • Ant colonies take up residence inside your trees.

Common Ant Species in SA

Black House Ant

Small black ant that commonly invade inside houses and nest in cavities. Workers march from nest to food sources.

Fire Ant

Aggressive red colored ant that sting. Mounds of soft soil are built up near tree stumps and rocks in open areas. Fire ant mounds can damage lawns and gardens.

Ghost Ant

Tiny pale colored that are attracted to dark recesses inside homes. They can be difficult to exterminate.

Odorous House Ant

Medium-sized with a foul odor. They prefer sweet foods and get into human meal to forage. Inside nests contain many queens.

Pharaoh’s Ant

Extremely tiny yellow or red ant that thrive in warm, moist areas with access to water. They damage plumbing and electrical wiring as they seek nest sites.

How To Prevent Ants?

You can stop ants from entering your home and pose some health risks by laying down common household items like salt, baby powder, lemon juice, chalk, vinegar, bay leaves, cinnamon, or peppermint oil in the areas where they are getting in. They will avoid trails that lead them through these substances, cutting off their access points into your house.

How To Prevent Ants?

What To Do If You Have Ant Problems?

  1. Identify places where they frequently gather.
  2. Remove any standing water sources.
  3. Store all food in sealed containers so ants cannot get to it.
  4. Clean up any crumbs or morsels your pets may leave behind.
  5. Seal off cracks or holes where they enter your home.
  6. When ant issues persist, contact professional exterminators like Eco Pest Control Adelaide for help getting rid of them.

Our Ant Control Services

  • Inspection to find all ant nests and entry points
  • Powerful ant baits, dusts, and sprays applied
  • Follow up visit to ensure ants are gone
  • Emergency ant treatment available
  • Safe for family, pets, environment
  • Affordable pricing

Why Choose Us

  • 10+ years serving Adelaide
  • Licensed and fully insured
  • 100% customer satisfaction guarantee
  • Use latest technology
  • Fast response times
  • Open 24/7 for emergencies
  • All technicians are locals

Contact Us

Don’t live with ants! Call today for a free quote! Our friendly staff are ready to help eliminate ant problem for good. We will protect your home and business reputation.

Call 08 6800 0044 or request same day pest control service online.